
  • 2022-10-29
  • John Dowson



上海财经大学已有近百年历史,是一所以经济管理学科为主,经、管、法、文、理协调发展的多科性重点大学,也是我国高级管理人才培养的重要基地之一。在全国财经院校中,我校最早获得博士学位授予权,也是首批设立社会科学(经济学)博士后流动站的高校之一。1996年,学校进入国家"211工程"重点建设高校行列;2007年,学校进入国家建设高水平大学项目行列。 上海财经大学目前拥有会计学、财政学、经济思想史3个国家级重点学科,金融学为国家重点(培育)学科;拥有4个财政部重点学科、6个上海市重点学科;设有国家经济学基础人才培养基地、国家大学生文化素质教育基地、教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地--会计与财务研究院3个国家级基地;并拥有理论经济学、应用经济学、工商管理、管理科学与工程4个一级学科博士学位授权点,44个二级学科博士学位授权点,哲学、理论经济学、应用经济学、工商管理4个博士后流动站。其中,国家学科目录内批准的学位授权点24个,9个一级学科硕士学位授权点,74个二级学科硕士学位授权点以及36个本科专业。


School of Law, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics


With a history of nearly one hundred years, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (SUFE) is a multi-disciplinary key university with economic management as its main subject and coordinated development of economics, management, law, liberal arts and science. It is also one of the important bases for the cultivation of senior management personnel in China. Among the financial institutions in China, our university is the first to be authorized to confer a doctors degree, and it is also one of the first universities to set up the post-doctoral research station of social science (economics). In 1996, the university was listed in the national "Project 211". In 2007, the university entered the national project of building a high-level university. At present, SUFE has three national key disciplines, accounting, public finance, and history of economic thought. Finance is one of the national key disciplines. It has 4 key disciplines of the Ministry of Finance and 6 key disciplines of Shanghai Municipality. There are three national bases, namely, the National Economic Basic Talents Training Base, the National College Students Cultural Quality Education Base, and the Key Research Base of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Ministry of Education -- the Accounting and Finance Research Institute. The university has 4 first-level doctoral programs in theoretical economics, applied economics, business administration, and management science and engineering, 44 second-level doctoral programs, and 4 post-doctoral stations in philosophy, theoretical economics, applied economics, and business administration. Among them, there are 24 masters degree programs, 9 masters degree programs in first-level disciplines, 74 masters degree programs in second-level disciplines and 36 undergraduate majors approved by the National Discipline Catalogue.



